Wednesday, 22 December 2010

A Warm Welcome

Well this is my first forray into the world of blogging and I write this with absolutely no followers and little idea what on earth I'm doing!  At this point, this is more of a thought process as I assume that the very definition of a blog would require there to be occasional viewers of the content I am writing.  However, I foresee a time when I have many thousands of followers and this first blog will provide hilarity to thousands of my disciples.

This blog will be a melting pot of everything in my life that even mildy interests me including sport, books, movies, tv and current affairs.  I hope that over time this blog will develop a life and momentum all of it's own.  Perhaps if it's a success I will double my current Twitter followers total to four!  A big ask I know!


  1. Hello new follower! I'd like to know a little about how your blog and how you came across my blog!

    Thanks for following!
    -Kendall Madison

  2. Hi Kendall

    I'm completely new to this and stumbled across Bag Lady's blog which lead me to yours!

    This blog will be a light hearted and quippy look at life - no serious issues here thanks!!!
