During the school-run this morning, I happened to pick up part of a phone-in regarding the exploits of several of our heroic athletes from London 2012. The subject of the discussion centred on whether or not the likes of Tom Daly and Louis Smith. I became so apoplectic with rage, I had to pull the car over and take several deep breaths - an attempt at composure that was futile because of my failure to switch the radio off!
The topic was chosen as a result of some ill-judged, unqualified comments from a blogger whose names completely escapes me. Such was this man's indignation, he was invited onto BBC Radio Five Live in order to repeat his ridiculous, inconsequential views. It seems that the blogger - whose name still escapes me - took issue with Tom Daly's role on ITV1's new show, Splash. Utilising his obvious wide-ranging knowledge of Olympic sport, this imbecile took to the national stage to declare his disgust at Olympic athletes having the audacity to make a living.
Now, let's be clear about this - I have absolutely no desire to watch Splash. The mere synopsis on my Virgin Media TV planner was enough to force me into an evening with John Grisham. However, I would not have the outright temerity to castigate the millions of British people who like this type of reality show. Furthermore, I would not grant myself a seat on the high ground to criticise the amateur athletes who take the opportunity to make a few quid while the sun shines.
How dare this blogger - whose name not only escapes me, it is a name I will never bother to look up - broadcast his imbecilic and puerile views on the national stage. Louis Smith's success on Strictly Come Dancing was the result of weeks of sacrifice - in the same way as his gymnastics success was the result of a lifetime of sacrifice. What must our heroes have thought when they heard this failed comedian criticise their efforts at making a living? As my brother likes to say: 'it boils my piss!'
Now, this failed comedian probably writes this guff in order to make a name for himself, and that, to me, places him in the same category as the critic. Insufficiently talented at anything of any magnitude, they decide to make a living casting doubt over the talent, achievements and virtues of others. Either too lazy or too stupid, they don't have what it takes to excel, so they sit in glorious judgement of life's achievers.
I am a simple person, and I very much doubt whether I will ever reach the heights of our Olympic heroes. However, I know that; I accept that; I congratulate life's winners. So what. if they want to dance on live TV. So what. if they feel like teaching celebrities how to dive. Whether we think it's tasteless or great entertainment, what gives a little-known comedian the right to cast aspersions on the moral direction of a young athlete's life? These guys are still kids, and their level of achievement would be greatly rewarded in most other spheres of life.
If Tom Daly and Louis Smith want to star in the upcoming series of 'I'm a Celebrity Big Brother Star with the X Factor Whilst Strictly Making a Spash', then who am I - or anyone else - to judge?